The author's experience with psychology, past life therapy and dream work is poignantly portrayed in Rom's journey through the Underworld, which is reminiscent of a shaman's journey in the act of soul recovery.
This story, refreshingly original, blends dreams, deep spiritual understanding, the workings of karma, love, and compassion into a tale of healing and bonding.
This is a mystical novel that will take you on a journey through your own imagination and dreams and reveals stories behind stories and dreams within dreams at every turn.
Called a "Dreamwalk" by author Hans Brockhuis, of the Nada Chronicles if you're ready for a refreshing fantasy with themes that have not been overdone, nor overworked, then take a spiritual romp with the Curse of The Tahiera and Wendy Gillissen.
Wendy received her inspiration for Curse of the Tahiéra after a visit to the Greek island of Cephalonia, which only served to deepen her love of the world of "castles, elves and ghosts," from her childhood years visiting England, Scotland, and Wales.
A Celtic harpist in her spare time between her past life therapy clients, workshops, and writing, Wendy has completed work on the second book in the series, The Search for Tzanáta, which should be published shortly. Available on"
Laurie J. Brenner,
Voice of the Magazine – Winter Issue, 2009