Curse of the Tahiéra is an enchanting fantasy novel from Wendy Gillissen. For a debut novel, it’s very, very impressive. It features three main characters in a magical, ancient world - Rom, a half Tzanatzi and half human young man, Yldich, an Einache Shaman, and Eald, an Einache boy.
Rom seemingly meets Yldich by chance, but this meeting is destined to take place as Yldich knows that their lives will be intertwined forever as only Rom can save the Einache people from an ancient evil. Can Yldich help Rom to see his gifts and understand his destiny?
Dreams, dreamwork, astral travelling, ancient curses and romance are just some of the elements that make up this excellent read. I was totally drawn into the story, which is full of rich and colourful details (which I love) and made me feel as if I already knew Rom, Yldich and Eald. Like another review I saw, I really enjoyed reading this book at bedtime, as it somehow made me have vivid and telling dreams after reading it. Absolutely magical!
There’s battles, heroism and huge acts of friendship and love, which ensure this is a very inspiring and positive novel to read. I can’t wait for the next book!
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